Tennis Court

Photo by Chino Rocha on Unsplash
Photo by Chino Rocha on Unsplash

Tennis is considered a cardiovascular exercise as it helps increase heart rate and breathing. It also involves large lower body muscles for quick movements from right to left and front to back, as well as upper body muscles to help swing the racket.

This is why tennis can be practiced as a full-body workout that improves cardiovascular fitness, endurance, and muscle strength. This sport also helps burn calories. Just a few minutes of chasing the ball, the heart rate will increase and the body burns more calories.

So, what are the benefits of tennis that are interesting to know?

Tennis and Weight Loss

Cardiovascular exercise is usually divided into three levels, namely low, moderate, and vigorous intensity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States mentions, single tennis as a high-intensity physical activity. In general, a 69.9-kilogram person will burn 220-295 calories in 30 minutes of vigorous activity.

Since a tennis match can last from 90 minutes to almost 3 hours, a person of that weight can burn 660-1,320 calories in just one match. This is another benefit of tennis if done regularly, in addition to building body muscles and nourishing the heart organ.

Other Benefits of Tennis

In addition, there are several other benefits of tennis, including:

Prolonging life

Playing tennis is said to help extend life. Research shows that people who play tennis about three hours per week live an average of nine to ten years longer, than sedentary people.

Improves mental health

Another benefit of tennis is that it improves mental health. Tennis is a sport that requires quick thinking and split-second reactions. The body creates new connections between nerves in the brain when you are alert and thinking tactically. This may keep the mind sharp as you age.

Tennis is indeed a great cardio exercise for health, as are many other sports. But what makes tennis different from other activities you can choose? Tennis is a top choice for physical activity because:

Tennis requires another person to play against. It’s a great way to spend time with friends and meet new people.

You can play and get a good workout whether you have skills or not.

This sport helps reduce stress levels.

You can play tennis on indoor or outdoor courts.

Tips for Getting the Best Tennis Practice

Looking to start practicing tennis? Check out these tips to maximize your first practice:

Play with other players of different skill levels.
Never skip the warm-up before starting to avoid injury.
Sharpen concentration and alertness.
Play on your own by hitting the ball against a wall or using machine assistance.
Try playing on different court surfaces, especially if you have joint problems. The three main types are grass, clay, and hard courts like concrete.
These are the health benefits of tennis. If you experience any medical conditions related to this sport, stop practicing immediately and ask your doctor for proper treatment.

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